Tap into the entire carbon credit landscape


Don’t see what you’re looking for on the Patch marketplace? Allow us to help source credits that meet your requirements by submitting a request for projects (RFP)!



How does it work?

Fill out our simple request form to tell us exactly what you’re looking for in a credit, in terms of pricing, project type, quality, and other important criteria.

We then send your request to our 50+ project partners who cover the majority of the market, including the largest project developers in the world. These partners have 10s of millions of tonnes available for Patch customers to request.

Once we hear back from our project network on their bids to support your climate action needs, we will deliver that information to you within your indicated timeframe.

If you have additional questions, diligence requests, or project vetting, the Patch team will support.

We deliver this at no additional cost to you—our standard Patch marketplace transaction fees apply.